Sunday, August 06, 2006

Async Continues

Page splitting implementation has at long last been converted to a fully asynchronous operation and relatively painlessly too - I must be becoming something of an expert in writing implementations of IAsyncResult as it seems to be getting easier and easier although I must admit to wondering sometimes with all these async wrappers all over the place where the real thread is hiding doing the actual work - scary but ever so true...

It's easier doing this stuff than doing the "real" work I'm dreading - finishing off the index manager and table manager... What's worse is that I'm almost certain I'll need a final wrapper that sits on top of the Table Index Manager and the Table Page Manager and coordinates the actions of both.

It never ceases to amaze me to the sheer number of layers and wrappers this project seems to be creating - I once joked it was like peeling an onion but in actual fact it is more like building an onion!

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